WARWICKThe Warwick Summer Arts Festival will take place from July 15 through July 24, with performances, workshops, and exhibits at Town Park, Stanley Deming Park, Scheuermann Farm and Greenhouses, the Gallery at Port of Call, Greenwood Lake Beach, and village storefronts. The theme of this year's festival is All Together Now: A celebration of ensemble work in art, performance, and community. Headline performers include Eileen Ivers, Irish fiddler, with her group Immigrant Soul; the percussion ensemble of Brazilian artist Cyro Baptista; the Meeting House Jazz Orchestra; the rocking and rolling Cigar Store Indians; and a beach party at Greenwood Lake with Nth Degree. The festival ends with the Art Parade down Main St. on July 24. The Warwick Arts Festival was started six years ago with money from the New York State Council on the Arts. Other support includes an $8,000 state grant, a $5,000 grant from ShopRite, and contributions from Provident Bank, Warwick Savings Foundation, Orange and Rockland Utilities, and WVT Communications, as well as individuals who participated in the Warwick In Bloom/Arts Festival fundraiser. For more information on the Warwick Arts Festival, call 987-9826 or visit www.warwickarts.org