To the editor: During my term on the West Milford Township council, a job I take very seriously, I have tried my best to listen to the residents and deal with problems and issues as they arise. At any given time, I do my best to follow through and seek a solution. I have not attacked or placed blame on any individuals in the almost two years that I have served on the council. Problems, when discussed and handled in a mature, adult manner, can be reasonably solved given time and cooperation. However, in this instance, I may need to seek legal advice, because others have chosen to do the opposite. I have received numerous calls from residents who attended the association meeting/candidates forum held at Bald Eagle Village last week, which I regretfully was unable to attend due to a personal matter. Knowledgeable, informed, residents are concerned about the very disturbing and misleading things that were said about our fine parks and recreation department by a former councilman/recreation liaison, seeking re-election, and his running mate. I think the residents of our town and the people who work for the recreation department deserve to know and understand what was said and implied at the meeting. I would like to remind the candidates that the residents of West Milford deserve an honest, respectful campaign. Share with the people what you intend to do if elected, rather than telling tales. Stirring up trouble and lies in order to get attention is not the best use of one’s time. Let’s stick to the issues, gentlemen, and not make false accusations. Carmen Scangarello West Milford