Brown-Blaeuer, Phelan, Granata offer change for West Milford

| 15 Oct 2023 | 10:47

    The upcoming municipal election offers voters an opportunity to change the way township business is conducted.

    Melissa Brown-Blaeuer, Karen Phelan and Mary Granata promise to represent all residents by working to make township government nonpartisan and have at least one elected official from each ward so that every part of town will have their own elected official.

    They will also make use of technology to make government more open and transparent.

    Have you tried using the current township website? Good luck trying to find the information that you need.

    Have you ever wished to speak at a council meeting without having to be there in person? Zoom, Skype, Webex and similar applications work well and have been around for years. It is like the current mayor and council do not want to hear from their constituents.

    Brown-Blaeuer, Phelan and Granata will champion tourism and sustainable energy. They are endorsed by the League of Conservation voters.

    They offer plans that do not rely on ratables that pollute our air, such as a compressor station approved by the current council.

    It is time to elect officials who listen to you and not re-elect officials who lecture you. Vote for a change on Nov. 7.

    Robert Nolan

    West Milford