Candidate wants debate

| 11 Oct 2012 | 01:16

    With Nov. 6th fast approaching, the voters of West Milford will be selecting two new members to their town council. Since no incumbents are seeking re-election, West Milford residents will be choosing from four new faces on the political landscape.
    In an effort to make sure that the voters of West Milford make as informed a decision as possible, we would like to formally invite our political opponents, Vivienne Erk and Michael Hensley, to publicly debate the issues facing our town.
    Upon accepting our proposal, we would welcome your input regarding the actual venue, date, and/or sponsor of the event.
    The voters need to know where each candidate stands on many of the key issues facing our town. They need to accurately assess the strength of each candidate beyond the lawn signs and the political mailers. We would like to make ourselves available to give the voters that opportunity. We hope Ms. Erk and Mr. Hensley will agree to our proposition.
    We eagerly await your reply. You can e-mail us at either or or visit and respond on our Facebook page:
    Or simply call us, we’re in the book. Please respond as soon as possible. Time is of the essence.

    John Richards
    Candidate for township council