Candidates want to make a real difference

| 16 May 2012 | 12:43

    We are Vivienne Erk and Mike Hensley and we are Republican candidates forTown Council in the June 5 primary. We are both new to politics and want tomake a real difference as we serve West Milford.

    We have already enjoyed meeting many of you going door-to-door,introducing ourselves and listening to what you think. This is what isimportant to West Milford. To those residents we have not yet had thepleasure of speaking with, know that your concerns are our concerns. By far,taxes and the reval are our shared priority and concern.

    As council people, our goal will be to represent your concerns. Know that we will work hard to keep our taxes from increasing, while maintainingthe services we need. We are currently encouraging the present council towithhold the final payment from the reval company to force them to addressour town's concerns.

    If elected, we will be new voices on the council, but not new to WestMilford, each of us having resided here for 30 years. Our email address is Please contact us with any of your concernsor suggestions.

    We ask you to help us serve our town and vote for Vivienne Erk and MikeHensley for council on Tuesday, June 5. Voting is a precious gift and aboveall, please come out and vote on June 5.

    Vivienne Erk and Mike Hensley Candidates for West Milford council