To the Editor;
As I watched the Dec. 5 Township Council meeting, I was shocked with the sickening disrespectful behavior from Township Councilman Lou Signorino, directed at our very dedicated, hard-working, Township Administrator, Antoinette Battaglia, who was sitting a few seats from him.
His ongoing rhetoric about giving her a “Rice” notice, which means her future in this position, (and it) is "on the line" was awful.
For over a year, he has been seeking ways to have her removed as do councilmen, Peter McGuinnes and Tim Wagner, for no other reason than to replace her with one of their own "buddies", much less qualified, which would be a disaster.
The "good old buddy system " is what they support, not honest, qualified, people.
It was heartbreaking to see the look on Antoinette's face, as he kept on with his angry rant.
Such behavior toward our administrator is beyond disrespectful, it shows a lack of moral decency and is akin to being a bully.
Lou and the other two need a lesson in respect, common courtesy, and to understand their job is to do what is best for our town, regardless of political affiliation, rather than to seek ways to undermine all the good, hard work, our administrator and department heads have been doing.
Eleanor Monahan,
West Milford