Democratic candidates for council introduce themselves

| 01 Aug 2012 | 01:46

Please allow us to introduce ourselves. We are John Richards and Dave Ofshinsky, and we are candidates for the West Milford Township Council. Because we ran unopposed in the primary, our names have not appeared on campaign posters around town and our views have yet to appear in local publications. So we would like to take this opportunity to give you, the people of West Milford, an idea of who we are and why we are running for council.

Each of us has lived in West Milford for more than 20 years. We have a passion for the place we call home, and we believe in giving back to our community. John served for many years as president of the West Milford Players, was recognized as the Big Brother of the Year in 2010, and continues to volunteer for other community organizations. Dave has taken the plunge into one of the most complex and important challenges facing our town with his appointment by the town council as a commissioner on the MUA Board.

Our independence, focus on the issues, and problem-solving skills were a few of the reasons Mayor Bettina Bieri and Councilwoman CarlLa Horton encouraged us to run for council. We share their vision of a bi-partisan council that is able to move the town forward and make the difficult decisions in a thoughtful, respectful, and fiscally responsible manner.

We both bring skills honed by years of experience in the business world. For over 25 years, John has managed operations for multi-million dollar distribution companies while Dave has served as a chief financial officer, guiding large, diverse, non-profit organizations that benefitted from his financial expertise.

In the upcoming months, we look forward to meeting more of you and sharing our vision for a stable, sustainable, and affordable West Milford. If you have questions or concerns, please let us hear from you.

(To reach Richards, email him at; For Ofshinsky, email him at

John Richards Newfoundland

Dave Ofshinsky West Milford