Inga Koeppe for school board

| 04 Apr 2012 | 04:08

    My name is Inga Koeppe and I would like to introduce myself to the community as a candidate for trustee of the West Milford Board of Education election on April 17.

    Four years ago when my son enrolled into kindergarten, if he had asked me, “what does a board of education member do?” like many of us, I probably would have struggled a bit to give a full and accurate description.Admittedly, I was a bit vague on the finer points of their responsibilities and did not fully appreciate the tremendous impact the board has on the welfare of our children.Fast forward four years. I have found myself increasingly involved with the school and I have learned a great deal because of my involvement.

    As a homeowner and parent with years of volunteer activities in such quality organizations as the West Milford Education Foundation, Paradise Knoll PTA and other similar committees, I consider myself a strong advocate for a continuously-improving, cost efficient school district. I care deeply about how our children are educated and believe that the most important drivers for our home values are predicated on running the best school system possible.

    I have followed the school board for years and am under no illusion that the job of a trustee is a simple or glamorous task.However, it’s an awesome responsibility and the commitment is considerable.Trustees are relied upon to deal with more than just the annual school budget; they also formulate policies that directly impact the quality of academics and the student’s futures.

    Many people in our community have conveyed to me their concerns that the interests of the schools and taxpayers have been compromised by unnecessary strife and conflict with certain board members.I also share in the unease of many that the annual school budget is set without sufficient regard on how to best deliver superior educational programs to our children with maximum cost efficiency.As trustee, I will do my part to alleviate these legitimate anxieties by asserting my constructive and collaborative leadership style to promote a more harmonious board of education.While I realize unanimous agreement on every issue is not a practical expectation, there are better methods and behaviors that can be used to ensure the board is functioning at peak effectiveness. I will critically review and fairly challenge the school budget to ensure every dollar spent is justified.I will ask the right questions and, when necessary, make the tough calls to promote financial efficiency and ensure that neither taxpayers nor students are short changed.

    The upcoming election offers West Milford residents a terrific opportunity to make a positive change in the way the school board does business.Together, let’s make our town and schools a better place. Please vote for Inga Koeppe, Kevin Babbitt and Greg Bailey on April 17.

    Thank You, Inga Koeppe Newfoundland