Support Goodsir and Conlon

| 29 Oct 2022 | 01:12

    Dear West Milford residents, I would like to encourage you to get out and vote in this all-important mid-term election on November 8th. In our local election for township council, we have our much-esteemed Republican Council President Kevin Goodsir who is seeking your support for a second term of public service. Kevin has worked tirelessly for all of the residents these past three years and has accomplished many different goals and objectives that have had a very positive impact on our community and its people. As the Community Services and Recreation liaison for the council, Kevin quickly took a leadership role in re-establishing the vaunted West Milford Annual Trout Derby. After much planning and coordination, this family-friendly event has brought residents together for a day at the lake, casting and reeling in the hopes of catching one of the premier and specially stocked trout! During the early days of the emerging outbreak of the world-wide pandemic, Kevin was motivated to make his hometown a safer and more resilient community and sought ways in which to accomplish this. Through his research he discovered and championed the establishment of the West Milford CERT team. This group of West Milford volunteers have become another feature of strength and community resilience as they meet and train in various emergency preparedness skills so if called upon, they are able to assist our first responders. Council President Goodsir has developed a terrific working relationship with his other council colleagues and the mayor to deliver a zero municipal tax increase for the three years that he has been a councilman. Matthew Conlon is also a lifelong resident of West Milford and he has volunteered in numerous capacities throughout the course of his life. Over the years Matt has served on the West Milford Insurance Committee, Zoning Board, Planning Board, Recreation Advisory Committee as well as a WMBOE trustee when he was barely out of high school. Matthew Conlon is also extremely hard-working, spending countless hours learning how our system of government works on the local, county and state level. Matthew would be joining a well-established and smoothly running council and local government led by Mayor Michele Dale. Our Republican candidate Matthew Conlon is in a great position to contribute to the betterment of our community by joining the efforts already underway and he is more than capable of initiating and contributing to the council’s efforts in his own unique and informed way. I look forward to supporting these local candidates as well as our other great Republican candidates that can be found on ROW B! The time is now, help us to spread the word with your friends and neighbors to Vote Goodsir and Conlon Row B this November 8th

    Mike Hensley

    West Milford Republican Municipal Chairman

    West Milford