On a beautiful Saturday in mid-March, I lost my log home of 47 years and everything in it (including our very sweet and friendly 15-year-old pet cat) to a fire.
You may have read about it in this newspaper.
I had just pulled into the driveway from running errands and noticed smoke in the area, soon to be followed by the sounds of blaring fire engines.
My disabled husband and two pets were in the house that was already burning (out of sight) in the back.
The firemen got my husband and dog out.and fought the fire, a few being injured ... not seriously, thank God.
By the grace of God, we are grateful to be alive and uninjured. Of course, the firemen and First Aid Squad members always deserve our appreciation.
Additionally, we are so very grateful for the overwhelming support we received in the following weeks from caring, kind and compassionate family, friends, neighbors, Ralph Spice, our West Milford Elk friends and from people we don’t even know (perhaps whose names I don’t know from when I was the s/r card lady for 10 years).
Be it a kind word and for things far beyond, I appreciate it all from the bottom of my heart. Your generosity was impressive.
It had already been a trying year as we lost three of our very close family members, including our oldest son.
In the weeks that followed the fire, I was in a state of stunned absence, unable to function. To add to the confusion, we had no meds for four days (doctor and pharmacy errors).
Even our 10-year-old dog was out of whack with the moving around and her lack of routine.
I owe my survival to my son, Bryan, and daughter, Megan, and their families.
My usual stubborn independence went down with the house. They took over everything until I started bouncing back and are still helping.
Of course, the tremendous loss was devastating but the thought of starting over was traumatic as well.
With our advancing age and declining health and physical abilities, this is hardly something you could anticipate nor is easily handled.
We’re coming along relatively well and living out of state now.
I wanted to reach out as much as possible to express my sincere appreciation to those who helped us.
God bless you all.
Joan Lamphear