Thanks to the community, Jade is safe

| 01 Aug 2012 | 01:46

    The entire West Milford Animal Shelter Society (WMASS) volunteer membership would like to thank all those who had a hand in helping us to bring our dog Jade safely back to the shelter. Whether you called us with information, or stopped us when you saw us searching in your yards and on your streets to tell us of Jade sightings, or even those of you who shared our “Missing: Jade” posters on Facebook, it was a group effort that allowed us to track her movements and ultimately enabled two of our volunteers to be in the right place at the right time and bring Jade “home." It was truly was a group effort, we can't thank you enough.

    We are happy to report that Jade has fully recuperated from her big adventure and was very happy to be back at the shelter. She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep and eat.

    Jade has now moved on to her next new adventure - a new home! She was adopted shortly after her return to the shelter.

    Again, thank you to everyone. Jean Bremy

    President West Milford Animal Shelter Society