“Please tell me this can't happen to us ...”

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:01

    To the editor: Can this happen in West Milford? My Uncle, Rick Scaduto and his wife, Barbara and 75,000 Eastern Colorado plains residents face losing their homes, ranches and livelihoods by eminent domain abuse for the sole purpose of private gain. A private developer has laid claim to a corridor of land 12 miles wide by 210 miles long — an area covering over seven counties. Can this happen to us? Only about 10 percent of those property owners affected even know about this. They have claims on their land and can’t sell, have lost property value, and can’t even secure loans to improve their homes as a result. They aren’t getting much local news media coverage as that is greatly supported by developer advertising. Can this happen to us? Please go to www.castlecoalition.com or www.nosuperslab.org. These folks are dealing with a greedy billionaire, corrupt politicians and little time. The new legislative session begins in January of 2006 with the hope that enough awareness can be raised to pass bills to stop this and remove the claims from these properties. Over 75,000 property owners stand to lose it all in the largest “land grab” to date. Can this happen to us? It’s happening all over the country but not to this degree. Can this happen in NJ? My Uncle and his 40-acre ranch are right smack in the middle of this nonsense. We have cut a cd with songs about the endangered prairie and eminent domain abuse to help raise funds and awareness. Feel free to visit www.nosuperslab.org to purchase one or www.castlecoalition.com for more info on eminent domain abuse and how it is occurring all over our fine country. Gina Kensler West Milford