To the editor: I would like to respond to the letter to the editor written by Jim Geist of Hewitt titled “News of Osama: Balanced or Biased?” Jim Geist in his letter to the editor makes not one but three intellectually dishonest claims. I understand his resentment of Fox News. Fox News being the number 1 rated cable news program starting with the O’Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes, and Greta VanSustren has all leave their competitions in the dust. I wonder why that is? I realize that CNN ( Clinton News Network ) is scrambling to make up the ground loss to Fox, but I’m afraid that it’s not going to happen for a while. Mansoor Ijaz who negotiated Sudan’s counter-terrorism offer for the Clinton Administration in 1997 and proposed the framework for a cease fire between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir in August of 2000. Where is Mr. Ijaz’s “huge stake in Sudanese oil?” Mr. Ijaz worked for Bill Clinton way before he made it to the Fox News Network. Sudan never gave us information about Osama? You’re kidding right? Bill Clinton himself in testimony to the 9-11 Commision stated that the Sudanese offered Bin Laden on more than one occasion. The offer was turned down because the White House lawyers advised then President Clinton that there was no constitutional authority for arresting or assassinating Bin Laden. So American security was undermined so that Clinton could concentrate on his upcoming impeachment. This was also reaffirmed by Mansoor Ijaz. On February 27, 1993 the first attempt on the World Trade Center took place. We knew then it was Al-Qaeda. What was our response? Nothing! This lack of decisive action only emboldened the terrorists. The U.S.S. Cole is bombed and our response once again was ..Nothing! World War I and II saw U.S. involvement take place under democrat administrations. The Korean War started with Truman, a democrat in the White House. The Vietnam War started with Kennedy. FDR knew the attack on Pearl Harbor was coming. This never stopped him from giving his “day that will live in infamy” speech. Truman’s intelligence reports all pointed toward a communist build-up on the border with South Korea. Finally, LBJ allowed us to fight a war with one hand tied behind our back. To insinuate that President Bush does not have our security front and foremost in his mind is totally ridiculous. This presidency will not be judged by domestic policy, or economic policy, it will be judged on his ability to keep us safe. More than Clinton ever did! We here on Mount Laurel now have a pretty good idea where those “Where’s Osama?” signs on the electric poles going down Warwick Turnpike came from! Gian P. Severini Hewitt