Vote for the betterment of West Milford

| 28 Sep 2011 | 03:01

    To the editor: There are council people here in West Milford and others who would like to be on the town council. There are some that are deserving of our support and others that do not deserve our support. There are those that talk a good game and there are those that actually accomplish positive things for West Milford. Councilman Carmelo Scangarello is one of those who has accomplished much in the short time he has been a member of West Milford’s town council. The very successful July 4th Thunder in the Highlands is one of many happenings in West Milford that can be traced directly to the efforts of Councilman Carm. He has personally raised over $2000 for the Creative Playground. He was a key player in obtaining a long-term lease for the Jungle Habitat property for the outrageous sum of one dollar. The successful Autumn Lights Festival was also due, in no small part, to Carmelo’s efforts. These are only some of the township accomplishments of Carmen Scangarello. And then there is one of his opponents for a seat on the township council. His name is Andy Gargano. You might remember him better as one of the opponents of the redevelopment zone. Even though this proposal had the overwhelming support of a majority on the voters in West Milford, Andy Gargano consistently voted against it. Now, you might wonder if his in-laws, who live adjacent to the property in question and ride their horses on said property perhaps influenced his vote. Because of what could be construed as a conflict of interest you might also wonder why Gargano did not recuse himself from voting on the redevelopment proposal. You might also ask yourself, if the project had gone forth as West Milford voters wanted, would our tax base have been better supported! We will never know …thanks in part to Andy Gargano. And now he is running again for a seat on our town council. Again, you might ask yourself if he deserves another chance. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me! Tom Moore and Patty Lotz-Moore (former councilwoman) West Milford