Repairs made to the steeple at historic Hewitt Church
Hewitt. The Long Pond Ironworks outdoor park remains open during museum and program closings.

Until things return to normal people interested in the history of the Long Pond Ironworks can satisfy their appetite with a visit to the outdoor park, going to the website Long Pond or looking at its page at for information.
FOLPI is a nonprofit 501-C3 volunteer organization dedicated to preserving, restoring and interpreting the remaining structures and the history behind them.
Three video presentations will be filmed and made available to the public later this year. They will be recordings of the 6th New Hampshire Contra Band, the balladeer Lillian Russell and a blacksmithing demonstration.
Directions to the park are available on the FOLPI (Friends of Long Pond Ironworks) website.
Long Pond Ironworks was founded in 1766 and it operated continually until 1882 making iron for varied purposes. The ruins of three furnaces and other historic structures remain in the park.
The 175-acre Historic District is an example of the ironworks in the American Colonies before their independence.
Repair and stabilization
A major improvement is the recent repair and stabilization of the Hewitt church steeple. It was in serious disrepair and in danger of falling over. The work was done by Eric Coulson Construction of West Milford at a cost of about $30,000. The work was paid for by FOLPI with help of grants from the State of New Jersey
The steeple section will be stained and painted and a new finial will be added to the top of it later this year. FOLPI will next work on the main body of the church which is said to be in remarkably good condition. A new roof was put on a few years ago.
The village furnaces at Long Pond produced iron for the Continental Army, for the American forces in the War of 1812 and the Union Army during the Civil War.
Long Pond Ironworks is listed on the State and National registers of Historic Places and been designated a National Landmark.
The beauty of the landscape with its forests and waterways - has captured the talents artists and writers through the ages.