Save the date for a free health clinic
WEST MILFORD. The fair is a free service to community members

The Chuck Enering Memorial Health and Wellness Fair will take place on Saturday, September 10th at the West Milford Recreation Center (former PAL building) parking lot from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (The program will move inside if it rains).
The fair is sponsored by the West Milford Lions Club and the West Milford Health Department as a free service to the community. This year the larger venue allows the fair to have more room and therefore a more diverse group of vendors. Local organizations will also showcase their services to West Milford residents.
Come for free tests and consultations with health providers, learn ways toward wellness, meet first responders, win gift certificates to local restaurants, and reward yourself with the knowledge of good health.
For more information, contact the West Milford Lions Club on Facebook, at, or by writing to West Milford Lions Club, PO Box 100, West Milford, NJ,07480.